Sweden and Japan Body Painting

Butterfly Dress Body Painting

Butterfly Painting.

In Venezuelan Festival, Bodies Become Art

Venezuela recently hosted the 4th annual World Body Art Encounter (Encuentro mundial de arte corporal). Participating in the event were 32 artists from 16 different countries. After a kickoff in Caracas last Friday, the event will tour different parts of the country.

By some accounts, body painting is a practice that dates back hundreds of years in Venezuela. The artist Penelope Rivera from Mexico said, “Venezuela is a country which has a lot of body art with ethnic characteristics, and I think we have to rescue them and integrate them into modern life.”

Sweden & Japan Body Painting

Body painting of international soccer jersey of Japan and Sweden on soccer .

Britney Spears talks about her love for Lady Gaga, Madonna & Strawberry Fraps Yes.

These photos of Britney Spears has her second son Jayden to her karate class. I apologize if this is not Jaden - I honestly can not say that the two guys, so I will define images Fame. In any case, is a small chip, and it's nice to think that Britney has just spent some time to be a mother so dramatically loud about this issue. God, thank you. Also: the hair is still looking for a clean-ish. I do not see any rivets or the rats nest, so this is another and more. Good for Brit!

Yesterday, Britney attended a Q & A with fans on Twitter. And if you think that Britney was really sit and write in your answers, God bless. Some of my favorites from the revelations of Brit-Brit:

    What is your opinion about global warming? JK LOL XOXO. But seriously, Lady Gaga?
    Does anyone believe global warming is a good thing? I love Lady Gaga. I think it's a very interesting artist.


    What is your favorite movie of all time?
    I LOVE Ferris Bueller's day off

    What is your favorite drink at Starbucks?!
    I love their strawberry Frapuchino

    Which is why you need to do?
    I've always wanted to do a trapeze. LOL. And working with the lions ...

    What do you think of Perez Hilton?
    @ PerezHilton is a real firecracker! Your guilty pleasure website

    I wonder what you think, a mistake about you?
    I'm boring home who likes to stay home with their children and happy that this is me.

    How about making a comparison between you and Madonna?
    It's very flattering! I love Madonna and she was a great inspiration to me.

    Want to do another movie? Carrefour full 10 years: D
    Yes I love acting and I'd like Todd Philips and Judd Apatow.

[Britney Twitter]

For me the fear that Britney just does not answer all these questions to myself, was not so bad. Responds made an effort to look like Britney, especially with strawberries and Ferris Bueller Fraps weekend. Is that seriously his favorite movie? I guess it could be worse. She could have tried to impress and said:? ". Citizen Kane, but my favorite," Does anyone think that global warming is a good thing "I think Britney said, but did not .


Bosnia vs Mexico

Bosnia Vs Mexico: Bosnia Vs Mexico Info You Need To Know

All of the zesty info you want and need to know about Bosnia vs Mexico.

Bosnia- Herzegovina squares off against Mexico and the two teams are looking to spice up the Georgia Dome and have us referring to Atlanta as Hotlanta once again.

Unfortunately, that will not happen.

This isn’t even remotely close to being a hot match. It’s a rather poor match up to throw at fans in the States, or even soccer fans in general, despite a few storylines heading into this match. ( Read Bosnia vs Mexico more... )

Mexico vs. Bosnia: Welcome, Chepo

Whether you’re still pissed about 2010 or not, El Tri is back and the new cycle begins today in the least spectacular fashion with a bout against a very weakened, Edin Dzeko-less Bosnia & Herzegovina in Atlanta (hell yeah, friendlies in the US…not!). At least the beginning of the last World Cup cycle began with a match with against the USA, and the presentation of a new kit. Oh well.

No matter how lame the match today may seem, it will be worth catching a glimpse of what the new Mexican side looks like and what Chepo De La Torre has up his sleeve. The objectives for the year are clear: win the Gold Cup (the one with full powered squads), do well in the Copa America, and develop a system that works so that each player’s role is well defined. ( Read Bosnia vs Mexico more... )

Mexico vs Bosnia Free Live Stream Online tv Feed Video HD International Friendly

Mexico vs BIH Bosnia Live Stream Free Online Watch Soccer Live Stream Video Online Coverage this February 9 2011 [9/2/11] in 2011 International Friendly of FIFA. Free online web tv of Mexico vs BIH Bosnia International Friendly of FIFA game will be available here and don’t miss to watch Mexico vs BIH Bosnia live streaming TV broadcast live on TV channels below on scheduled time at 20.00 EST

Read More:Bosnia vs Mexico

Current TV: Hot Trends Art Schlichter

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- "Art Schlichter" is a trending search topic on the Internet following reports that the former All-American college football star is at the center of an investigation into a scam to sell fake tickets to Super Bowl XLV at a high profit.

Schlichter is notorious for his gambling addiction, and has been in and out of jail dozens of times since 1994, mainly for fraud and forgery, according to reports.

The former Ohio State Buckeyes quarterback apparently told investors that he would use their money to buy and sell Super Bowl tickets, but failed to produce their tickets on game day because he allegedly gambled away all of their money.

Read More:Current TV: Hot Trends Art Schlichter

Kim Kardashian Silver Body Painting

Kim Kardashian Silver Body Painting

Kim Kardashian her voluptuous body hidden behind a thin layer of silver paint, which leaves nothing to the imagination in art W Magazine. The plan comes after the publication of nude photos of Kim in 2007, Playboy shoot.

Kim lives in Manhattan, at least as long as it takes to shoot for her new reality show “Kourtney and Kim Take New York.”

The show was previously published E! Popular Entertainment show “In keeping with the Kardashians.”

The images were taken by Mark Seliger, and the story was written by Lynn Hirschberg, noting that Kim can not sing or dance, and have no discernible talent.

However, he lived very simply by being herself.Kim was very pleased that the magazine has published pictures of fashion before publication.

Kim Kardashian Silver Body Painting

Internet has gone viral and show their tits and ass completely.

Kim Kardashian Silver Body Painting

Kim Kardashian Silver Body Painting

Although it does not appear on the cover of dozens of magazines, tabloid, her reality TV hit, a gym and skincare DVDs and perfume lines that are still fighting for the credibility of a celebrity with no real talent Definition – not only for its beauty and the fight against weight.

Kim Kardashian Silver Body Painting

But if that’s all he knows how to cope.

Kim Kardashian Silver Body Painting

Kim Kardashian Silver Body Painting

When Playboy has recently published a series of photos showing Kardashian photo shoot semi-nude from 2007, reports said he apologized for asking.

Amazing Body Painting and Bibles 2011

I love traveling, not the fact of going somewhere else, but the action of traveling from one place to another. My fascination is of being anonymous, and of course the time spent “people watching”. This is often done alone, which I think is more entertaining as you are not distracted from the serious business of observing.
Two journeys this year, one to the UK and one day trip to Barcelona.

Picture of Amazing Body Painting

The UK bound trip started with the normal commotion I always achieve at airports. This is caused by the habit of wearing as much as I can to avoid carrying it or more to the point paying the dreaded extortionate fees “excess baggage” what an awful term...nothing I carry is excess to my needs! So off go the alarms, I could offer my services to test their equipment because no matter what I remove I always set the systems blaring. After the “pat down” with nothing found to attribute to the noise I always hear myself apologise! With the current state of the world I am not complaining about these security measures I just would like to get through, just once, without this hullabaloo!

Picture of Amazing Body Painting

Then homeward bound, the UK airport tempted me with Marks and Spencer food outlet just before you go through customs control. Great idea, buy lunch, and a few presents to bring back, a thought of what you are allowed to have in hand luggage I avoided drinks but settle on a sandwich, fruit, biscuits etc plus cheeses and chutneys for friends. So I discover this is a ploy by airport staff to get free lunches, they confiscated the lot. Nowhere could I see on the list of banned items M&S lunch! I wanted to say “stop let me back over the barrier and I will eat it first” but the fear of not being let through to travel was greater than hunger.
Picture of Amazing Body Painting

The day trip to Barcelona was just as eventful for different reasons. An unscheduled change of trains half way meant a different set of traveling companions. Sitting ourselves by the door, with an empty seat in front and two to the side, the carriage was almost full. Then, three young, smartly dressed men boarded, taking up the only empty seats. The first oddness I noticed they all wore the same jackets and had name badges so without further thought I assumed they were security or police. Then I saw the bibles they all started to read as we started out of the station. With an hours non stop journey to Barcelona in a full carriage, we start to realize that our traveling companions had a mission or should I say, they were missionaries. Within minutes they struck up conversation with us.

Picture of Amazing Body Painting

Caught off guard, but fascinated to understand why these three young American men were in Spain. To counter their obvious objective to discuss The Lord, we asked them many questions on their background, my friend and I taking it in turn to question them. The first thought that ran through my head was the “good cop bad cop” ploy we naturally adopted. The friend was gentle in the questioning I was not so! Why was I allowing myself to be drawn into this exchange? Not wanting my religious believes to be questioned or was I feeling confronted?
With the journey over, ahead of us the serious task of shopping. We starting walking from the station in the crowds of city folks going about their business. I could not believe what I saw next, as nobody else seemed to notice, I began to wonder if my eyes deceived me. “Did you see that”? “Was he wearing anything”? Not a pretty sight, just a man with clothes painted on his naked body. To add to the amusing spectacle...not a head was turned. Just like the earlier time in the train carriage I felt the day was going to be different, and it certainly was!
Picture of Amazing Body Painting

Maybe that is the reason I love traveling, you cannot control what you may encounter only how you react to it.

Just Kidding! Kim Kardashian Loves Her W Magazine Photos Now


Halle Berry Gabriel Aubry drama present some comments on the election of Kim Kardashian, very briefly in November last year the delivery of cargo. I think this lasted several weeks, although nothing has been confirmed. What is missing from all accounts, Kim Kardashian to take - does not say anything or transfer Nahla and Halle, who I am, of course, a strange respect for them. It's almost as if she wants to be a fucking melee, terribly intelligent (Kim). However, the Chicago Sun-Times (surface) has an article on rumors that Kim on the situation in the corridors of sentiment:


    I heard that Kim Kardashian is shocked and angry that his name was removed from the mile dirty.

    .... Not only that Kardashian denied because the way the relationship was beyond platonic friendship Aubrey, but a good friend of TV personality Kim said he is particularly worrisome because Berry repeatedly insulted, you feel - on the red carpet private social events in Hollywood.

    What is in the field of Nahla Kardashian said confused about this, "Kim was limited to the girl several times. ... I do not even recognize when they have their Nahla anywhere without Gabriel and other room with her.


[From Chicago Sun-Times to the surface]

I like to think this shit. Kim did not even recognize Nahla? Really? Not even pictures!? And yes, the room is likely to discredit Kim at red carpet events. -Listers in general, C-celebrities, famous for naked porn and repeated violations.

Speaking of Kim is known, has some new ideas on her nude pictorial magazine W and theatricality of age:

    20/20 hindsight say, and nobody knows better than Kim Kardashian. Despite 30 years crying episode on Sunday and Kim Courtney Take New York City, W Magazine "full of porn" photos of her in their annual edition of Art in November, said UsMagazine.com Kardashian is a heart change.


    "Looking back, I like the pictures, she says, on Thursday in Los Angeles REVOLVEclothing.com" W Magazine is a brand, so I'm very glad I did, and have images. "

    As the tears?

    "It's just not what I thought I would," he said. "I'm certainly comfortable posing nude -. I did it before and I have something to review, but probably not the direction I wanted to go, if I wanted to be a case of thinking I am."

    (W Magazine said Tuesday told New York Magazine, "Cut" and "Kim Kardashian, the lid was pregnant with creative collaboration with artist Barbara Kruger, and meditation on the impact of a reality show about contemporary culture.")

    In hindsight, Kardashian said she does not regret the dismantling work of a fashion magazine - even if they wanted a few tears on national television payment.

    "If you have something to shoot, we expect that, as expected, he says." But looking back, it was my first reaction when I saw the pictures and I was very upset. I think the photos are beautiful. "


[From Us Weekly]

You mean, someone said, and is used to hype the ratings of a reality show? Are you saying that Kim Drama Queen? You mean, if you're a million times posing naked and doing porn, you have to miss the theater, as the photo shoot "full of porn? Amazing!


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